Basic knowledge of professional audio

Professional audio equipment including monitor mixer Amplifiers mixer Portable mixers

    Industry information
Kenapa sih dari tadi Dumet Shool terus? Soalnya Dumet School ini adalah kursus website jakarta, web design, aplikasi mobile, editing, dan masih banyak lagi lainnya yang terpercaya. Garis bawahin tuh TERPERCAYA.
Semenjak muncul smartphone, banyak sekali aplikasi yang biasanya dimainkan di laptop atau PC bisa dengan mudah dimainkan di smartphone.
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    About us

To the characteristics of light equipment

Floodlight: heaven and earth and the exhaust lamp, feet light, top row floodlight, etc.

The company, and the

Singer performing production, audio, 

Light and lighting objects material

Material - reflection diffuse light opaque soft hard soft absorption reflection

Carnival production

Production performance, acoustics, stage
    Service project

Lighting model research and basic concept:

Feelings and try to performance based - static character study of lighting lighting four